Theft attempt on Stelvio
i am still from February till now waiting Insurance to conclude the damages.
I am feeling that they are too slow.
The interior is not cleaning even with break cleaner and it is usable but now that weather is sunny. Ugly.
Are insurances, so slow? (I have AxA)
The expert stated on report, that car has signs of forced entry. And that is good.
I had AXA in the past too and had problems with them in an accident case.
Versicherungen und Banken sind die grössten Verbrecher unter der Sonne!
I had AXA in the past too and had problems with them in an accident case.
Delays or also difficulties?
What do you have nowdays?
ADAC and HUK24.
now they wait for the Police report
their own words:
Derzeit warten wir noch auf den Eingang der polizeilichen Ermittlungsakte.
Nach Erhalt und abschließender Prüfung kommen wir kurzfristig auf den Schadenfall zurück.
Funge me...
Welcome to Germany.
what ever! police did not register the door damage, as under garage was not visible but their expert found it.
It is a funny situation. but meh!
If they replace interior parts that would be nice. But lets see.
Hey you missed the ARP meeting last weekend.
Hey you missed the ARP meeting last weekend.
I quoted on the other post, My wife got Covid, and we are now in. Little one too